ORCHID MARKET - Demo Orchids for Sale (not really).
Buy Orchid Orchid Name and Comments Orchid Details Flower Image Plant Image

EXCEPT FOR DEMO ORCHIDS - This Buy Button will send your Alias and E-Mail immediately to the Seller and remove the Orchid from this list.

Comments: This is just a demo plant.
OrcID: 13 - ChrisM - PCode: 2233
Price: $35
Flower: 15 cm string
Size: Flowering size.

EXCEPT FOR DEMO ORCHIDS - This Buy Button will send your Alias and E-Mail immediately to the Seller and remove the Orchid from this list.

Comments: This is just a demo plant.
OrcID: 15 - ChrisM - PCode: 2233
Price: $40
Flower: 4cm
Size: Flowering size.

EXCEPT FOR DEMO ORCHIDS - This Buy Button will send your Alias and E-Mail immediately to the Seller and remove the Orchid from this list.

Comments: This is just a demo plant.
OrcID: 14 - ChrisM - PCode: 2233
Price: $40
Flower: 4cm
Size: Flowering size.

EXCEPT FOR DEMO ORCHIDS - This Buy Button will send your Alias and E-Mail immediately to the Seller and remove the Orchid from this list.

Comments: This is just a demo orchid.
OrcID: 21 - ChrisM - PCode: 2233
Price: $50
Flower: 4.2cm
Size: Flowering size.